I have a question about mount in Linux Fedora. I have a mount point inside my home directory. The mount point is at /home/user/project and in fstab I have added the line:
/dev/mapper/fedora-proj /home/user/project ext4 defaults 1 2
The directory /home/user/project has the file permissions 0755 and it is owned by user. But when I do 'mount -a', the directory owner gets changed to root and the permissions are 777. I know ext2/3/4 do not have uid= and gid= options, but why is the mounting point receives hard coded file permissions during mount and how can I change it?
The test was made on Fedora 25. When I am doing the exact same procedure on Fedora 23 I see a different behavior: the mount directory permissions are changing to 755 (before mount it is 0777)