I backup my files to external HDD. I want to backup regularly, and secure them, in case that somebody steals my external HDD.
I'd like to make scripts, which will create secured backup archives, with following requirements:
- security: encrypted by key-pair:
- encryption key is stored unprotected with the script
- decryption key is password protected, and stored with archived data (along, or right inside archive)
- I don't want the password to be stored anywhere along the backup script, or the data
- the key-pair could be asymmetrically encrypted symmetric key
- reliability: in case HDD gets corrupted, the error won't affected whole archive (just some files in the archive)
I can create shell script with all the fancy (add timestamps, rsync, etc...). So, I'm not asking how to make such script.
What tool/archive-format/combination-of-tools provides such security and reliability for backup archives?