In theory you can recompile everything with supported version dependencies. However this can involve a lot of grunt work and the fastest way to get things working is to get someone else to do the grunt work for you. So, in addition to your normal system, install one or more distribution for development work. This doesn't have to have a lot of overhead: you don't need to set up a virtual machine, a chroot environment will do fine. Schroot is a handy tool to set up chroot environments with a different system but the same home directory.
I've written a guide for Debian-like distributions; you could follow this guide and install Debian unstable on SuSE, and this blog post by masterpatricko describes) explains a setup with a SuSE host.
For more fine-grained control of development tool versions, you could use the Nix package manager to install software in your home directory. Nix-user-chroot is a tool similar to schroot that lets you easily run software from a different (Nix-managed, in this case) installation.