I run a fedora x86_64 within virtualbox. The host is windows 10. After I made a (quite a few times actually) fresh new install of fedora workstation 25, I install a few things
#dnf group install "Development Tools"
#dnf update
install guest additions (but not consistent)
and I reboot : I end up at the login screen like so :
When I click on my login, it fails to login (like, screen goes black and return to this state) Same happens when I login typing the account name. nb : I can log-in before updating. I can however log-in in another tty (through terminal mode). (root graphical not working as well.)
The journalctl of a reboot + try to log graphically can be read here :
journalctl -b-0 | fpaste
There seem to be some failure associated with gnome session desktop.
I tried to install kde, cinnamon, mate, sugar to be able to switch to another desktop manager, but I can't find any option to do so in the login screen, like I read I should.
I nevertheless found
/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service -> /usr/lib/systemd/system/gdm.service
but I can't find any other that I previously installed in here (I found some service in /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/, but I don't know whether or not it is pertinent.)
Any idea on how I can successfuly repair that stuff ?
Possible duplicate (without answers) : Fedora 25: GNOME problem with logging back in
Quick update : Now a quick
#dnf update
seem to have resolve the trick a few days after anyway.