I stared writing a bash script for automate penetrating on web servers in this i used a nested cases but it raises a error even if i give all indentation correctly
figlet Automated Pentesting
select menu in "Information_gathering" "scanning" "exploitation"
case $menu in
echo "###################################################"
select ch in "person" "domain_information" "email" "phonenumber"
case $ch in
read -p "Enter Person name:" name
firefox -new-tab -url http://www.spokeo.com/social/profile?q=$name -new-tab -url https://pipl.com/search/protect?q=$name&in=5&l=&sloc=
read -p "enter the domain:" domain
echo -e "\033[31mwhois information of domain...........\033[m"
whois $domain
echo -e "\033[31mDNS information of domain........\033[m"
dnsrecon -d $domain
echo -e "\033[31mGet IP and hostnames from $domain......\033[m"
fierce -dns $domain -wordlist host.txt
echo -e "\033[31mGet emails of the domain.......\033[m"
theharvester -d $domain -l 500 -b google -h myresults.html
echo "emails are stored in myresults.html file"
read -p "enter email address:" mal
firefox -new-tab -url http://www.spokeo.com/social/profile?q=$mal -new-tab -url https://pipl.com/search/protect?q=$mal&in=5&l=&sloc=
read -p "Enter the phonenumber with countrycode" phnumbr
firefox -new-tab -url https://www.truecaller.com/search/in/$phnumbr
read -p "enter the domain to scan" domain
echo "\033[31m scanning with nikto.........\033[m"
nikto -h $domain -output /niktoresults.html
echo "\033[31m vulnerablilty analysis with whatweb.......\033[m"
whatweb $domain
echo "\033[31mscanning with nmap........\033[m"
nmap -sV $domain -oX /nmapresults.xml
echo "\033[31m exploiting the domain......\033[m"
python metasploitHelper.py -i nmapresults.xml
and the raised error is
./pentest.sh: line 37: syntax error near unexpected token )'
./pentest.sh: line 37: