What i want is a client that logs in with a web browser full screen and when the user closes it the system shuts down or logs off the user.
So I've been trying to mount a PXEBOOT system for a while now.. after many attempts and according to the topology present i've explored many solutions.. and ended up focusing and getting the best results with LTSP and fifefox with the kiosk addon.
Now i have an ltsp client that when you login firefox pops up fullscreen, based the session on LXDE and added @firefox www.example.com to the /.config/lxsession/LXDE/autostart file, managed to write a script that can detect if FF is running, based on the pgrep command, and shut the system down when it closes.. added the script to the /etc/rc.local file (of the client, /opt/ltsp/amd64/etc/rc.local and also have the script on the client /opt/ltsp/amd64/usr/scripts/ffclose.sh).
With the command ps aux | grep "ffclose.sh" i can actually verify that the script is running when the client boots. But it doesn't do what i want.
I know that there is the need to give permissions for it to run, so i gave it -x (which allows everyone to run it.. but still nothing happens..)
Ps: I've also tried PXEBOOT Porteus, LTSP --kiosk.. with mixed results, Porteus runs awfully on the client hardware, and LTSP --kiosk actually managed to make it boot with a FF fullscreen but every time i configure a system this way i can't access the internet (tried it on Ubuntu 12 and 14 with the same result)