I ran BitchX on three different Linux OS-es because I got this weird � (question mark) on two of them (Linux OpenSUSE 11.4 and BackTrack 5 R1) using yakuake/konsole (OpenSUSE) and terminator/tilda (BT 5 R1).
However, on PuppyLinux Lucid 528 with RoxTerm the character is displayed as it should be (it is the Greek character "fi"). Now, on both SUSE and BT I have checked to see the value of $LC_CTYPE, and it's the same as in Puppy Linux (namely en_US, so no utf-8 encoding).
I've experimented on both SUSE and BT with different character encodings (from terminal's settings), I've noticed the changes, but the text was still sometimes garbled, instead of the question mark I got some weird unintelligible "u"-s (in Puppy it is always displayed correctly).
What could cause this annoying problem?
What could be different and how can I check the difference?