I have set up a no-ip account to access my ssh server at home remotely with myserver.ddns.net, which works well.. from outside only.

From outside:

Remote ping:

$ ping myserver.ddns.net # success

Remote ssh:

$ ssh myserver.ddns.net # success

From local:

Local ping:

$ ping # success

Local ssh:

$ ssh # success

Remote ping:

$ ping myserver.ddns.net # success, resolving to

Remote ssh:

$ ssh myserver.ddns.net # loOong time waiting, then..
Connection closed by port 22

Why could it be so?

  • You haven't set portforwarding on your router from local addresses, only from externals. Commented Feb 18, 2017 at 22:37
  • Firewall rules, routes....not enough data from your post. Commented Feb 18, 2017 at 23:01
  • @RuiFRibeiro Question edited to add more info. Is this enough?
    – iago-lito
    Commented Feb 18, 2017 at 23:27
  • 1
    Many routers don't allow LAN addresses to loop back to the WAN address. I ran into that problem and set up a DNS server on the intranet as a workaround. I'd be interested in an alternate solution.
    – Fox
    Commented Feb 18, 2017 at 23:35
  • 1
    The SSH server could be used as a DNS server, yes. For your whole network even. I use BIND9. It's under 2 MB of files including configuration and the executables. top says it's using 0.0% CPU and ~60MB RAM. Arch has a tutorial that might be useful.
    – Fox
    Commented Feb 18, 2017 at 23:59

2 Answers 2


The answer about accessing NAT from an internal network is, more correctly: you do not want to do that because of:

  • restrictions of consumer-grade technology;
  • performance reasons - NAT uses more CPU resources and memory - albeit in a domestic scale it is not worrisome;
  • routing more complex - either using and debbuging.

The alternatives are:

  • if accessing only from that local server, creating an host file entry;
  • creating a name server, and creating views if a public DNS name that belongs to you - not the case you present, but usually in an enterprise;
  • creating a name server, and creating a custom internal name, like ssh.home;
  • using BIND+RPZ, and redefining the external name to your internal IP address;
  • if doing routing with a Linux box, with iptables+NAT, capturing the SSH sessions to your external IP, and NATing them to your internal IP address.

About my comments about capturing the IP address/creating the host file, see this answer how I deal at home with my DDNS address. Better method for acting on IP address change from the ISP?

For BIND+RPZ see:

Configure BIND as Forwarder only (no root hints), encrypted + RPZ blacklist / whitelist all together

Large zone file for bind9 : ad-blocking


Okay, from the comments and this page, I understand that it is a common security feature for routers not to accept such "NAT loopbacks": i.e. connecting from a local machine to another local machine via an external domain resolution.

As workarounds, I have been suggested to:

  • use a custom image like openwrt or ddwrt in place of my native router softwares. (cheers to Ipor Sircer)
  • set up a local DNS server (cheers to Fox)

Feel free to offer any other item I could append to this list :)

  • The problem is not the domain resolution, but routing/port forwarding or NAT only working from the outside. Commented Feb 19, 2017 at 8:48

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