Another variation of @rolf 's answer:
Another way to save the exit status would be something like
mkdir /tmp/status_dir
and then have each script
script_name="${0##*/}" ## strip path from script name
do something
echo "$rc" > "$tmpfile"
This gives you a unique name for each status file including the name of the script which created it and its process id (in case more than one instance of the same script is running) which you can save for reference later and puts them all in the same place so you can just delete the whole subdirectory when you're done.
You can even save more than one status from each script by doing something like
tmpfile="$(/bin/mktemp -q "/tmp/status_dir/${script_name}.$$.XXXXXX")"
which creates the file as before, but adds a unique random string to it.
Or, you can just append more status information to the same file.