The following is a fast hack for a small C program able to compare two files (file1, file2) blockwise and, if the blocks are different, copies the corresponding block from file1 to file2. Works for files and block devices as well. Do with it what you want, but at your own risk!
Small program to blockwise compare two files and write different
blocks from file1 to file2.
Arguments: file1, file2, blocksize in bytes
If blocksize is not given, it is set to 512 (minimum)
No error checking, no intensive tests run - use at your own risk!
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *fnamein; /* Input file name */
char *fnameout; /* Output file name */
char *bufin; /* Input buffer */
char *bufout; /* Output buffer */
int bufsize; /* Buffer size (blocksize) */
int fdin; /* Input file descriptor*/
int fdout; /* Output file descriptor*/
int cnt; /* Current block # */
/* Argument processing */
if (argc < 3 || argc > 4) {
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s infile outfile [bufsize]\n", argv[0]);
fnamein = argv[1];
fnameout = argv[2];
if (argc == 4) {
bufsize = atoi(argv[3]);
if (bufsize < 512) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Illegal value for [bufsize]: %s\n", argv[3]);
} else {
bufsize = 512;
fprintf(stderr, "Copying differing blocks from '%s' to '%s', blocksize is %i\n", fnamein, fnameout, bufsize);
if (! ((bufin = malloc(bufsize)) && (bufout = malloc(bufsize)))) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can't allocate buffers: %i\n", bufsize);
fdin = open(fnamein, O_RDONLY);
if (fdin < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can't open input file: %s\n", fnamein);
fdout = open(fnameout, O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if (fdout < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Can't open ouput file: %s\n", fnameout);
cnt = 0;
while (read(fdin, bufin, bufsize) == bufsize) {
if (read(fdout, bufout, bufsize) == bufsize) {
if (memcmp(bufin, bufout, bufsize) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Differing blocks at block # %i; writing block to %s\n", cnt, fnameout);
if (lseek(fdout, -bufsize, SEEK_CUR) > -1) {
if (write(fdout, bufin, bufsize) != bufsize) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unable to write to output file %s block # %i\n", fnameout, cnt);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unable to seek to output file %s block # %i\n", fnameout, cnt);
} else {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: Unable to read from ouput file %s block # %i\n", fnameout, cnt);
to copy only part of the image usingbs
in cunjunction withseek
, if this is the intent. And you may compare image file and block device withcmp
. But I'm not sure if this saves time, as both (image and device) have to be read and compared byte by
, etc, however as you mentioned the comparison would need to be done block by block. Perhaps a script to automate this process is in order.rsync
to handle the updates for you.e2image -ac
do the comparaison as well!