Try using make-kpkg
instead. When run from a kernel source tree it'll compile a kernel and build a full set of debian packages using that source and config -- linux-image
, linux-headers
, linux-doc
, all as per your version specified.
It's part of the kernel-package
package, so what you want to do is:
sudo apt-get install kernel-package
- Edit
and /etc/kernel-kpg.conf
to match your preferences
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd linux-image
- Sit back, get some tea. The above process will take a while.
It will generate a linux-image-(version)
deb package one level up, which you can then install with dpkg and will handle things like calling your bootloader's update to add the new kernel automatically. This will significantly ease your difficulties.
At the end of this process, you will have a Linux kernel that has the exact capabilities you told it to have, and none of the capabilities that you didn't tell it to have.
Consider that last sentence a polite warning.