I'm a user on a Debian machine. When I create a file in my home directory, the default permissions appear to be 700, even though umask returns 0022:
eulerz@foo:~$ touch testing
eulerz@foo:~$ ls -l testing
-rwx------ 1 eulerz users 0 2012-03-15 19:34 testing
In addition, when I create a file in the tmp directory, it doesn't show up as executable, but it does when I move it to my home directory:
eulerz@foo:~$ touch /tmp/made_in_tmp
eulerz@foo:~$ ls -l /tmp/made_in_tmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 eulerz users 0 2012-03-15 19:39 /tmp/made_in_tmp
eulerz@foo:~$ mv /tmp/made_in_tmp ~
eulerz@foo:~$ ls -l /u/eulerz/made_in_tmp
-rwxr--r-- 1 eulerz users 0 2012-03-15 19:39 /u/eulerz/made_in_tmp
and, of course, chmod doesn't change this:
eulerz@foo:~$ chmod -v u-x made_in_tmp
mode of `made_in_tmp' changed to 0644 (rw-r--r--)
eulerz@foo:~$ ls -l /u/eulerz/made_in_tmp
-rwxr--r-- 1 eulerz users 0 2012-03-15 19:39 /u/eulerz/made_in_tmp
What the heck? Why is this happening? Where is it telling my home directory "set new things as u+x NO MATTER WHAT"?
And this just started happening recently; the older files in my home directory don't have this problem (but I made a copy of one and it did.)
df ~
show? andmount | grep ~