I have two csv file of the following format:


I would like to sort the files based on user as first key and then based on column14 in descending order which is a number representing a timestamp.

The result would be like:




I would like then from these files to keep only the first row of each cluster i.e. only


How can I do that?

Example input:

"1/30/2017 11:14:55 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771295      
"1/26/2017 5:06:11 AM",New customer,john.doe,CA,1485403571  
"1/26/2017 8:02:01 PM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485457321  
"1/30/2017 4:14:30 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485746070  
"1/30/2017 11:09:36 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485770976  
"1/30/2017 11:14:50 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771290      
"1/22/2017 11:51:51 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485082311  

The last column is the epoch of the first column to be able to sort the rows using a number instead of a string.
So the expected output would be:
a) Sorting on name and on timestamp in reverse order so we get:

"1/30/2017 11:14:55 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771295    
"1/30/2017 11:14:50 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771290        
"1/26/2017 8:02:01 PM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485457321  
"1/26/2017 5:06:11 AM",New customer,john.doe,CA,1485403571  
"1/30/2017 11:09:36 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485770976  
"1/30/2017 4:14:30 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485746070  
"1/22/2017 11:51:51 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485082311  

So we have a cluster of rows for jim.smith another for tim.jones sorted by the last column in reverse order (i.e. the latest date of the first row is first in the cluster) and a row for john.doe that has only 1 record.

Then I would like to keep only the first row of each cluster. I.e.

"1/30/2017 11:14:55 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771295    
"1/26/2017 5:06:11 AM",New customer,john.doe,CA,1485403571    
"1/30/2017 11:09:36 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485770976  
  • @don_crissti:I don't want the first line of the file. I am sorting on 2 columns and I will get groups in the cases that the first column has more than one occurrence. I want the top line of each group.
    – Jim
    Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 22:46
  • sort -u or uniq?
    – DopeGhoti
    Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 22:54
  • @DopeGhoti:How would that help? I am interested in the line with the max timestamp per user
    – Jim
    Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 22:56
  • 1
    So really you don't need to sort on the 14th field - except as a step to obtaining the max? Can you give us a dataset that is at least large enough to test (i.e. actually has at least one user with at least two different values of $14) Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 23:10
  • ... something like sort -t, -k3,3 -k14,14n file.csv | awk -F, '!seen[$3]++' maybe? Commented Feb 2, 2017 at 23:16

2 Answers 2


Given file input as

"1/30/2017 11:14:55 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771295      
"1/26/2017 5:06:11 AM",New customer,john.doe,CA,1485403571  
"1/26/2017 8:02:01 PM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485457321  
"1/30/2017 4:14:30 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485746070  
"1/30/2017 11:09:36 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485770976  
"1/30/2017 11:14:50 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771290      
"1/22/2017 11:51:51 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485082311  


sort -t, -k3,3 -k5,5rn input | awk -F, '!seen[$3]++'
"1/30/2017 11:14:55 AM",Valid customer,jim.smith,NY,1485771295      
"1/26/2017 5:06:11 AM",New customer,john.doe,CA,1485403571  
"1/30/2017 11:09:36 AM",New customer,tim.jones,CO,1485770976  
  • +1, but I have a preference for sort -t, -k3,3 -k5,5rn input | sort -t, -k3,3 -u
    – iruvar
    Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 18:15
  • How does the awk part work? It evaluates to true only once per user right?
    – Jim
    Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 19:34
  • @iruvar:How would that work?
    – Jim
    Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 19:34

With gnu datamash:

datamash -t, -s -f -g 3 max 5 <infile

but note that you need to remove all trailing blanks from each line in your input before running it.
With awk only, using two arrays:

awk -F, '!z[$3]{x[$3]=$0;z[$3]=$5;next}$5>z[$3]{x[$3]=$0}
END{for (i in z){print x[i]}}' infile
  • I am on OSX so I think this is not applicable right?
    – Jim
    Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 19:34
  • @Jim - afaik awk is available on osx , isn't it ? Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 20:09
  • I was referring to datamash
    – Jim
    Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 20:23
  • @Jim - it's not available on a default osx setup but you can install it via homebrew so whether it's applicable in your particular case or not - I don't know. Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 20:28

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