I have a script that extracts a specified subset of my music collection. Most of my music is FLAC; since space (and supported formats) may be an issue on the target device (smartphon, car radio, ...) it can also convert "down" to OGG for MP3.
I figured out a while ago how to convert FLAC to OGG so that meta data is kept:
ffmpeg -v quiet -y -i "${infile}" \
-codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 6 -map_metadata 0 \
However, I noticed that the resulting file won't play in my Android app if the FLAC contained a cover image. I did some digging; the short of it is, ffmpeg seems to create corrupt OGGs in this case.
Is this a bug, or do I have to pick different parameters?
(see linux.die.net/man/1/oggenc)? Could be a solution if ffmpeg does not work.oggenc
does not keep the image. There are certainly ways to add them "by hand", but why should one have to?