So in a recent fit of folly, I followed the instructions in this answer on the Ubuntu SE page since I wanted to remove most of the documentation. However, I didn't read the commands well enough and missed that that those would also remove the man pages, which I didn't want.
After the damage was done, I'm now trying to figure out how to recover from my mistake. After reinstalling man-db
and manpages
, it still does not work though. Currently, man cp
for example only shows a bunch of
Exiting this view of the broken manpage leaves me with an error
man: command exited with status 3: /usr/lib/man-db/zsoelim | /usr/lib/man-db/manconv -f UTF-8:ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8//IGNORE | preconv -e UTF-8 | tbl | nroff -mandoc -Tutf8
So even uninstalling certain packages and reinstalling still does not help this. Therefore, as far as I'm aware of this question is not a duplicate to questions like this one or this one .
Is anyone aware of an approach to fix this?