My objective is to make a text on my remote machine (CentOS 7.2) available to seamlessly paste on my local machine (OS X 10.12.2) with the standard ⌘V shortcut. My setup connects to the remote machine with ssh -Y and then attaches to tmux (or creates a new session if non-existent). When I run either echo "test" | xsel -ib or echo "test" | xclip it hangs. The $DISPLAY variable is localhost:10.0. If I exit tmux the $DISPLAY variable seems to be null and I get a can't open display error.

2 Answers 2


MacOS does not use XOrg Server, but Quartz graphics stack, or some other crap (it is some years I worked with macs daily).

You either want to run XOrg on Mac OS (this used to be possible), or learn how to use mac native pbcopy(1) and pbpaste(1) commands.


I wrote a tool to handle this type problem using a Gitlab snippet some while a go. It might work for your use case.

See https://github.com/bradwood/glsnip

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