If you wanted to kill a process which is constantly changing, you do so dynamically:
pkill name_of_process
kill -kill $(ps -A | grep name_of_process | awk '{print $1}')
Learn more about Kill here: https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/12/4-ways-to-kill-a-process-kill-killall-pkill-xkill/
Note: The searches performed by grep or sed are case-sensitive, and you'll have to make sure to narrow down a particular process to an unique identifier other than the PID before you can kill it using these examples.
If you wanted to find the parent of that process dynamically you'd do:
ps -o ppid=$(ps -A | grep name_of_process | awk '{print $1}')
From there you could kill the parent process, since you have its PPID.
If you cannot kill the parent process you'd have to resort to the 1st solution. The problem is, sometimes the PID of processes changes faster than you can find it. In that case you may want to use Sed instead of Grep. The 1st example becomes:
kill -kill $(ps -A | sed '/name_of_process/!d' | awk '{print $1}')
In order to speed things furthermore, you may want to hone the ps command returned results by using other flags other -A. Check out the ps man page:
Sometimes, a process keeps on going by the help of a Daemon. See if you can kill that as well.
Two other things you may consider is the terminal associated with the process or the killall command.
ps -ely | awk 'NR==1||/mtp/'
and look at the PPID column