I have follow this guide (Virtualization With KVM On Ubuntu 11.10) to setup my KVM (Virtual Machines Software) on my Ubuntu 11.10 Server. However, I didn't setup my VM's IP address when creating the VM, instead of using:
vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --suite=oneiric --flavour=virtual --arch=amd64 --mirror=http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu -o --libvirt=qemu:///system --ip= --gw= --part=vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=administrator --name=Administrator --pass=howtoforge --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --firstboot=/var/lib/libvirt/images/vm1/boot.sh --mem=256 --hostname=vm1 --bridge=br0
I used: (I deleted "--ip= --gw=" from the command line)
vmbuilder kvm ubuntu --suite=oneiric --flavour=virtual --arch=amd64 --mirror=http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu -o --libvirt=qemu:///system --part=vmbuilder.partition --templates=mytemplates --user=administrator --name=Administrator --pass=howtoforge --addpkg=vim-nox --addpkg=unattended-upgrades --addpkg=acpid --firstboot=/var/lib/libvirt/images/vm1/boot.sh --mem=256 --hostname=vm1 --bridge=br0
I have set up the network bridge as the guide instructed and the new VM's interface is connected to the network bridge.
I assume the KVM will assign my VM via DHCP but I don't have information on my new VM's IP address, where can I find the VM's IP address and SSH to the new VM? Thanks.
[Notes: I have managed to login the VM without knowing the IP address of the VM. Using "Xming + SSH with X Graphic Forwarding" But there is no DHCP ip address assigned to my VM, Besides the above question, I have another question here: How to enable the DCHP on my VM so when I use Xming to login via "virt viewer" I can at least see my IP address is there.]