The first answer doesn't seem to adress the question, and the second one only applies to Apache.
One thing I can think of for linux in general is that it's only possible for an ordinary user to make a hard link to a symbolic link if the user is the owner of the symbolic link. Why one would want to make such a link, I don't know.
Another thing is that an ordinary user can only change the group ownership of a file if the user owns the file (and is also a member of the group the file is being added to.) That brings up the question of what the group ownership of a symbolic link does. In an organization, it might be useful as a tag to indicate which team would have need of the link.
Also, on Ubuntu at least, anyone can update the timestamp of a symbolic link. However, there may be some systems that only allow the owner to. What good the timestamp does for a symbolic link, I'm not sure, but it may give some useful information on how much it's used.
Edit: I just realized another reason why ownership would be important. The link could be inside of a sticky directory, where only the owner of a file can delete or rename it.