I am testing a systemd timer and trying to override its default timeout, but without success. I'm wondering whether there is a way to ask systemd to tell us when the service is going to be run next.
Normal file (/lib/systemd/system/snapbackend.timer
# Documentation available at:
# https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.timer.html
Description=Run the snapbackend service once every 5 minutes.
# You must have an OnBootSec (or OnStartupSec) otherwise it does not auto-start
# The default accuracy is 1 minute. I'm not too sure that either way
# will affect us. I am thinking that since our computers will be
# permanently running, it probably won't be that inaccurate anyway.
# See also:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39176514/is-it-correct-that-systemd-timer-accuracysec-parameter-make-the-ticks-slip
# vim: syntax=dosini
The override file (/etc/systemd/system/snapbackend.timer.d/override.conf
# This file was auto-generated by snapmanager.cgi
# Feel free to do additional modifications here as
# snapmanager.cgi will be aware of them as expected.
I ran the following commands and the timer still ticks once every 5 minutes. Could there be a bug in systemd?
sudo systemctl stop snapbackend.timer
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start snapbackend.timer
So I was also wondering, how can I know when the timer will tick next? Because that would immediately tell me whether it's in 5 min. or 30 min. but from the systemctl status snapbackend.timer
says nothing about that. Just wondering whether there is a command that would tell me the delay currently used.
For those interested, there is the service file too (/lib/systemd/system/snapbackend.service
), although I would imagine that this should have no effect on the timer ticks...
# Documentation available at:
# https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html
Description=Snap! Websites snapbackend CRON daemon
After=snapbase.service snapcommunicator.service snapfirewall.service snaplock.service snapdbproxy.service
# See also the snapbackend.timer file
ExecStop=/usr/bin/snapstop --timeout 300 $MAINPID
# No auto-restart, we use the timer to start once in a while
# We also want to make systemd think that exit(1) is fine
# For developers and administrators to get console output
# Enter a size to get a core dump in case of a crash
# vim: syntax=dosini
systemctl list-timers