I would like to create Linux shell script which reads a log file.

for eg. I have log file with lines:

Job: One(106) started.
Job: Two(107) started.
Job: Name(111) started.
Job: EXE(112) started.
Job: SMTG(117) started.

I want to make script which checks all jobs and sends email if job status is not started. Job status could be error, locked, stopped and everything else. I don't know how to write script to check exactly if status is not started.

2 Answers 2

awk '$0!~/started/{print}' logfile | mail -s "Jobs not started" [email protected]
grep -v 'Job:.*started.' yourfile.log | while read line; do
    # your not started line is here
    echo $line

Little explanation: grep will read your file and filter out lines matching a pattern, so we don't match started jobs. Then you are reading not started lines, you can replace echo $line and send an email there.


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