I just installed centos7.2 and am trying to set it up somewhat nicely.
I found an answer on here that shows how to set up some colours in the prompt. I am finding that, once dropped into the .bashrc, it works fine when using putty to ssh in and when I use the Konsole app. But, when I use Terminal (which is gnome terminal), the colours will not match Michael's output (which is what I see in putty) and there is a funny character preceeding each piece of the output (which I tracked down to the \] sequence, which is supposed to be valid and doesn't choke elsewhere).
Is it known that gnome terminal behaves differently than other terminal programs? Any way to make it conform?
Not really liking konsole so much, but am open to suggestions for alternatives or ways to fix that will work across all clients (ie: I don't want to maintain two colour defs, for example, \e[01;32m prints the next chars green in putty and grey in gnome terminal; I have to use 38m in gnome terminal to get green).