When you run cal on Linux, the output for the current month will reverse video highlight the current day. When I send that output to hexdump -c, I get some interesting results:
0000000 N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 6
0000010 \n S u M o T u
0000020 W e T h F r S a \n
0000030 1 2 _ \b _ \b 3
0000040 4 5 \n 6 7
0000050 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 \n
0000060 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1
0000070 8 1 9 \n 2 0 2 1 2 2
0000080 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 \n 2 7
0000090 2 8 2 9 3 0
00000a0 \n
00000b0 \n
As you can see, there is an invisible sequence being printed of _\b _\b before the '3' that is highlighted for today. _ being underscore (5F in ascii hex) and \b being Ctrl-H or 08 in ASCII hex. What is this? I know there are a lot of obscure terminal codes, but I would expect it to use something more standard like \e[7m. What is even stranger is that I can't reproduce the same behavior of cal by printing out the same characters using standard printf functions like one of these commands:
/usr/bin/printf "1 2 _\b _\b3 4 5\n"
/usr/bin/printf "1 2 _^H _^H3 4 5\n"
Where ^H is made by pressing Ctrl-V Ctrl-H. But neither of these produce the same inverse video output that cal does. I even tried writing a little C program to do it too. I've also tried with echo -e. The interesting thing is that while it doesn't reverse the video in the terminal, if I pipe the output from less -R, it changes its color to yellow and underlines it. On other terminals I tried it just underlines it. It almost seems like overstriking, but if I use a character other than _ it doesn't work, which makes me think that _\b is a single code sequence. And how does the video for that character then get inversed?
Any insight into this?
The man page says that the output of cal is supposed to be a bit for bit compatible version to the original Unix cal command. So I can only assume this is some ancient code.