A ubuntu Virtualbox VM having shared folders from a Windows host. Provisioner: chef-solo
Assuming there is a path /tmp/shared_data
and I am attempting to created a symlink on it like
ln -s /var/www /tmp/shared_data/web_root
It fails saying protocol error
Begin output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20161020-6826-kore5t" ----
==> dev: STDOUT: ==> dev: STDERR: ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/tmp/shared_data/web_root’: Protocol error ==> dev: ---- End output of "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20161020-6826-kore5t" ---- ==> dev: Ran "bash" "/tmp/chef-script20161020-6826-kore5t" returned 1
I would imagine this is because since the path I am attempting to make a symlink on is the windows FS and does not support it.
So is there a way I can detect if symlink can be created in a path before hand before I attempt it and thus breaking my build.