I have many figures of widthxheight (550-570)x(465-486) at the southwest logically set there by Matlab's movegui()
I would like to open all those southwest windows of the size range in an external display or in Workspace 2.
Meuh's command shows those figure dimensions width x height, their hex codes and titles where I would like to move windows of size 560 x 475 for width x height, respectively, to Workspace 2
masi@masi:~$ wmctrl -l -G
0x01c0000b 0 0 0 3840 1080 masi Desktop
0x01e00002 0 0 54 1920 1023 masi Edit - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange - Google Chrome
0x02200006 0 2088 333 1608 501 masi masi@masi: ~
0x0280003d 0 1920 78 1920 1041 masi MATLAB R2016a - academic use
0x02800ac6 0 11 113 568 465 masi Figure 1: data gray all 4
0x02800af2 0 687 113 560 475 masi Figure 2: data gray top half (1/2)
0x02800aff 0 1364 113 560 475 masi Figure 3: data gray top #1 (1/4)
0x02800b16 0 1364 621 560 475 masi Figure 4: Time domain
0x02800b2a 0 11 631 568 465 masi Figure 5: Memory/... Monitoring
0x02800b31 0 683 631 568 465 masi Figure 6: data Size(I) monitoring
0x02800b3b 0 11 621 560 475 masi Figure 7: Histograms
0x02800b85 0 774 594 386 28 masi Press SPACEBAR to continue
Doing meuh's command gives the correct number of wmctrl
commands but individual commands do not have any effect (beware different hex-codes here than above because different iteration)
masi@masi:~$ wmctrl -l -G |
> awk '$0~/^0x/{ winid=$1; width=$5; height=$6;
> if(width>=550 && width<=570 && height>=465 && height<=485)
> printf "wmctrl -i -r %s -t 2\n",winid
> }' | sh -x
+ wmctrl -i -r 0x03200120 -t 2
+ wmctrl -i -r 0x03200149 -t 2
+ wmctrl -i -r 0x0320015f -t 2
+ wmctrl -i -r 0x03200173 -t 2
+ wmctrl -i -r 0x03200188 -t 2
+ wmctrl -i -r 0x0320019f -t 2
+ wmctrl -i -r 0x032001b2 -t 2
Why the commond + wmctrl -i -r 0x03200120 -t 2
putting the window to Workspace 2? What is the symbol +
- I do
wmctrl -r 1 -t 2
but nothing, TODO specify somehow dimensions here. - How can you move windows of size 560x475 to Workspace 2?
- How can move windows of size (550-570)x(465-485) to Workspace 2?
OS: Debian 8.5 64 bit
Linux kernel: 4.6 of backports
Matlab: 2016a
Window manager: Gnome 3.14
Hardware: Asus Zenbook UX303UA, Asus PC
Other sources: Commandlinefu search wmctrl does not bring anything relevant
and will change when your restart your application). Usewmctrl -l
to list the ids and titles and use a title.wmctrl -l -G
to include in the listing the x,y,width,height values for the window.