Pseudocode but originally developed for Windows 7 iso file but applied for Windows 8 in the thread How to create bootable Windows 8 iso image in Linux? but it does not work with Windows 10 iso
$ dd if=../en_windows_10_x64_dvd.iso \
of=boot.img bs=2048 count=8 skip=734
$ mkisofs -o ../new-win.iso -b boot.img -no-emul-boot -c BOOT.CAT \
-iso-level 2 -udf \
-J -l -D -N -joliet-long -relaxed-filenames .
Unsuccessful output when run on Windows 10 image
dd if=/home/masi/Downloads/en_windows_10_multiple_editions_version_1511_x64_dvd.iso of=/home/masi/Downloads/boot.img bs=2048 count=8 skip=734
8+0 records in
8+0 records out
16384 bytes (16 kB) copied, 0.000392973 s, 41.7 MB/s
Some of the following fields have changed for the iso file used in dd
How can you study which field values you can use for Windows 10 iso?
OS: Debian 8.5 64 bit
Hardware: Asus Zenbook UX303UA
Linux kernel: 4.6 of backports
Related threads: How to create bootable Windows 7 iso image in Linux?, Customizing a Windows 7 install ISO
Motivation: I need Windows 10 to use Canon P-150 duplex scanner, but when I started my Windows, I got Error 0xC0000428 because Windows update has again broken things there and I use Windows otherwise so rarely; and I have no spare Windows left to make bootable media