The following command takes about 10 minutes to output the result
find . -name "muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*" | xargs zcat |
awk -F "|" '{if($14=="20160920100643" && $22=="567094398953") print $0}'| head
How can I improve its performance?
That's already quite optimised. It's hard to know what the bottle neck is without knowing more details like:
Things you can do in any case:
-print | xargs
with -exec cmd {} +
or -print0 | xargs -r0
if your find
support it. -print | xargs
is not only wrong but also more expensive as xargs
needs to decode characters to find out which ones are blanks and do some expensive quote processing.export LC_ALL=C
). Since all the characters involved here (|
and decimal digits for the file contents and latin letters, period and underscore for the file names) are part of the portable charset, if your charset is otherwise UTF-8 or some other multi-byte charset, switching to C with its single-byte charset will safe a lot of work for find
and awk
part to: awk -F "|" '$14 == "20160920100643" && $22 == "567094398953"'
, you may want to disable output buffering for awk
so that it outputs those 10 lines as early as possible. With gawk
or mawk
, you can use fflush()
for that. Or you could add a if (++n == 10) exit
in awk
.To sum-up:
(export LC_ALL=C
find . -name "muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*" -exec zcat {} + |
awk -F "|" '$14 == "20160920100643" && $22 == "567094398953" {
print; if (++n == 10) exit}')
If CPU is the bottle-neck, on a multi-core GNU system, you could try:
(export LC_ALL=C
find . -name "muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*" -print0 |
xargs -r0P 4 -n 100 sh -c '
zcat "$@" |
awk -F "|" "\$14 == "20160920100643" && \$22 == "567094398953" {
print; fflush()}"' sh | head)
To run 4 zcat | awk
jobs in parallel on 100 files batches.
If that 20160920100643
is a time-stamp, you may want to exclude files that have been last-modified before that. With GNU or BSD find
, add a -newermt '2016-09-20 10:06:42'
If lines have a great number of fields, you get a penalty for awk
splitting it and allocating so many $n
fields. Using an approach that only considers the first 22 fields could speed things up:
grep -E '^([^|]*\|){13}20160920100643(\|[^|]*){7}\|567094398953(\||$)'
instead of the awk
command. With GNU grep
, add the --line-buffered
option to output the lines as early as possible in the parallel approach or -m 10
to stop after 10 matches in the non-parallel one.
To sum up, if CPU is the bottle neck and you have at least 4 CPU cores on your system and there are at least 400 muc* files and you're on a GNU system (where grep
is usually significantly faster than GNU awk
(export LC_ALL=C
find . -name "muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*" -newermt '2016-09-20 10:06:42' -print0 |
xargs -r0P 4 -n 100 sh -c '
zcat "$@" |
grep --line-buffered -E \
' sh | head)
Note that in the parallel approach, you may get the output of the grep
commands inter-mingled (though with line-buffering and provided lines are less than a few kilobytes large, line boundaries should be preserved).
xargs -n 100
to let the first zcat
start earlier. Generally it's worth to note that if awk
is not running on 100% CPU then we don't need to optimize awk
at all but the command earlier in the pipe and so on.
Sep 22, 2016 at 10:47
@Stéphane Chazelas's answer provides a great many details on how you can optimize the command pipeline
find . -name "muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*" | xargs zcat |
awk -F "|" '{if($14=="20160920100643" && $22=="567094398953") print $0}'| head
I'm going to provide another way to approach the problem where you actually measure where you're spending the most time. Once you find where the time is spent, you can determine what to do about it. If you want to improve your 10-minute run time, optimizing a step that takes 2 seconds is almost useless.
When I look at the command pipeline, three things draw my attention:
find .
- What is the directory structure like? How many files per
directory? Is the directory local to the system the command is being run on? A remote filesystem is going to be a lot slower.-name "muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*"
- How close are all the
file names in the directory structure? Are they all "close" to the
name and difficult/CPU intensive to match? Because every file in
the directory tree has to have its name read from disk and compared
to the pattern.xargs zcat
- The xargs
doesn't seem to me that it will be too much of a performance problem, especially compared to the find
issues above and the zcat
itself. Even if it's 10,000 or even 10,000,000 file names, the time used in passing and parsing just the names is almost certainly negligible compared to the time spent finding the names and then opening and decompressing all the files themselves. How large are the files? Because you're decompressing the
entirety of every file that matches your find
's filename
pattern.How can you determine what's the major performance problem? Measure the performance of each command in the pipeline. (See for details on timing an entire pipeline.) You can run the following commands and see how much time each step contributes to the processing time for the entire pipeline:
/usr/bin/time find .
- This tells you how long it takes to run through your directory tree. If this is slow, you need a better storage system. Flush your filesystem cache[s] before timing this to get a worst-case measurement, then run the timed find
again and see how much caching impacts performance. And if the directory isn't local, try running the command on the actual system that the files are on.
/usr/bin/time find . -name "muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*"
- This will tell you how long it takes to pattern-match the file names. Again, flush filesystem cache[s] and run it twice.
/usr/bin/time bash -c "find . -name 'muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*' | xargs zcat > /dev/null"
- This is the one I suspect is the major component of your pipeline's long running time. If this is the problem, parallelizing the zcat
commands per Stéphane Chazelas answer may be the best answer.
Continue adding steps from the original command pipeline to the one being tested until you find where you're spending most of your time. Again, I suspect it's the zcat
step. If so, perhaps the zcat
parallelization that @Stéphane Chazelas posted will help.
Parallelizing zcat
may not help - it may even hurt performance and slow processing down. With only one zcat
running at a time, IO may be in a nice streaming pattern that minimizes disk seeks. With multiple zcat
processes running at once, the IO operations may contend and actually slow down processing as disk heads need to seek and any read-ahead done becomes less effective.
If the zcat
step is your major performance bottleneck, and running multiple zcat
processes at one time doesn't help or actually slows you down, your pipeline is IO-bound and you need to address the problem by using faster storage.
And again - if the directory isn't local the machine your running the command pipeline on, try running it on the machine that the file system actually is on.
As noted in comments zgrep is better choice for such kind of tasks with globstar option which allows to use **
as all path inside the directory except hidden
shopt -s globstar
zgrep -m 10 '^\([^|]*|\)\{13\}20160920100643|\([^|]*|\)\{7\}567094398953' ./**muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*
shopt -u globstar
feature, shopt -s gobstar
is bash
-only syntax. **muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*
is fish
only syntax. With zsh
or bash -O globstar
or ksh93 -o globstar
, you need **/muc*_*_20160920_*.unl*
. In any case, using shell recursive globbing is not going to be more efficient than using find
. zgrep
is inneficient as it runs one gzip and one grep per file.
Sep 22, 2016 at 10:17
xargs --show-limits
Sep 22, 2016 at 10:17
As pointed out, it is not possible to give the correct answer without some extra details.
locate -0 -b -r '^muc.*_.*_20160920_.*.unl.*gz' |
xargs -0 zcat |
awk -F "|" '$14=="20160920100643" && $22=="567094398953"'| head
1: locate (if available) is much faster than **
or find
; The regular expression used must be tuned...
2 and 3: the PO's filter
As @rudimeier, wisely pointed out, there are issues regarding the availability and update state of locate
. (eg in most linux machines locate is update daily; this way it will fail to find files created today)
Nevertheless if locate is available this will produce a very impressive speedup.
It would be interesting if the PO could provide the time ...
of the various solutions
is appropriate here. If there are really millions of files which makes find slow, then the locatedb is probably also big and slow. And locatedb updates (cron) may slow down the machine for hours or days.
Sep 22, 2016 at 10:05
like the one presented in my answer, takes less than 1s; a similar find or "**" takes more than 1 hour just to search in my home/jj folder.
instead offind
? And If you want to stick withfind
then also useexec
rather piping it toxargs
, and how large they are. Ten minutes could be a perfectly reasonable time.head
) to speed up process do counting insideawk
:if(++count == 10) exit
but much better usezgrep
instead all pipes.xargs
should be faster than-exec
because it starts only onezcat
process for many files. BTWxargs --max-procs=4
could run it in parall.