I have a text document that has a load of text which has an extra space added after every letter!
T h e b o o k a l s o h a s a n a n a l y t i c a l p u r p o s e w h i c h i s m o r e i m p o r t a n t…
Note that there is an extra space after every letter, so there are two spaces between consecutive words.
Is there a way that I can get awk
or sed
to delete the extra spaces?
(Unfortunately this text document is massive and
would take a very long time to go through manually.)
I appreciate that this is probably a much more complex problem to solve with just a simple bash script as there needs to be some sort of text recognition also.
How can I approach this problem?
echo 'T h i s ; i s .a n 9 8 e x a m p l e' | perl -pe 's/[a-z]\K (?=[a-z])//ig'