I am working on Oracle Linux and trying to create a local repository. I managed to create a .repo entry which points to a directory in my system. The directory contains an RPM package.
But when I use the command "yum repolist", it shows the repository but lists the status of the repository to be zero. But the directory does contain RPM packages.
Here's the .repo file.
I tried running createrepo
on the directory again and I am getting the following output.
[root@ttnetwork /]# createrepo /rhel_gnu_repo/ Spawning worker 0 with 2 pkgs Worker 0: Error: Could not open local rpm file: /rhel_gnu_repo//avidemux-2.6.12-5.fc24.i686.rpm: RPM Error opening Package Worker 0: Error: Could not open local rpm file: /rhel_gnu_repo//avidemux.rpm: RPM Error opening Package Workers Finished Gathering worker results Saving Primary metadata Saving file lists metadata Saving other metadata Generating sqlite DBs Sqlite DBs complete
in that folder?