Currently I have Arch and Windows with grub installed and configured. I'm going to make another Arch installation on a separate partition.
Do I need to install and configure grub again on the newly installed distribution or I can use the old one?
I suppose that if I continue using the old (current from this point of view) grub I'd have to configure it again so that it sees the new Arch installation.
What will happen if I format the current partition (with the old Arch installation)?
Will grub continue working or not (i.e. I'd need to boot some live-cd to fix it)?
To sum up: is grub installed on some general place independently from any OS, or is it tied to some (my current Arch installation).
Tutorials give this command: grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
which makes me think that grub is tied to the specific linux installation; but they also show a grub-install
command without specifying any directory.
And if grub was tied to the current installation, how would my computer know which partition to check for grub? Otherwise, if it was "general", why would I have to "install" it as a package on the specific arch installation?