I have long journal files that I would like to view as images. I don't want to have to screencap my text editor. I am using LibreOffice to Export them to jpg, but I have to do everything ONE. STEP. AT. A. TIME. I am looking for some kind of command line layout program that would ostensibly look like this:
$ txt2jpg -i myfile.txt -o mynewfile --format=jpg --height=872 \
--width=600 --margins=40px --font=monospace
This would take myfile.txt
as input and create a series of files named mynewfile01.jpg, mynewfile02.jpg, ..., mynewfileNN.jpg
as output. The images would be 872 pixels tall, 600 wide, have a 40 pixel margin all around and use a font named monospace. Obviously, the actual program would differ in the particulars, but should be capable of taking one text file and outputting a series of jpgs (or pngs or bmps or whatever) as output with the ability to format the output image fontsize and so on.