I've been googling this for almost a week to no avail. When I open the Keyboard settings pane, the options (ones that have "Space" in them) are limited to only Alt+Space and Super+Space – there is no Ctrl+Space.
I've found a couple of answers, none of which seem to work.
The first one is to install the xfce4-xkb-plugin (which I already had installed), then set "use system default" flag in the Keyboard settings pane, after which use plugin Properties to set the languages and shortcuts. It doesn't work – the Properties pane has only options on how the pane item looks...that's it.
Number two is this line:
-option grp:ctrl_space_toggle,grp_led:scroll en,ru
It doesn't work either.
If I put this in my .Xmodmap
there is an error and the file isn't parsed anymore.
I gave up on searching, but I really need this, as it's a long time reflex. Please help me set Ctrl+Space as a shortcut to change layout. (I use Arch Linux.)