I want to know how many instances of a pattern are found by grep while looking recursively through a directory structure. It seems I should be able to pipe the output of grep through something which would count the lines.
2 Answers
I was able to put the answer together with help from this question. The program "wc" program counts newlines, words and byte counts. The "-l" option specifies that the number of lines is desired. For my application, the following worked nicely to count the number of instances of "somePattern":
$grep -r "somePattern" filename | wc -l
1There's also
grep -c
, but it doesn't exactly do what you require: "Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines for each input file". Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 19:59
At least with GNU tools:
grep -rcZ "some_pattern" | awk -F'\0' '{s+=$NF}END{print s}'
This is likely superior in speed compared to wc -l
It also works for files with newline in name.
1worked perfectly, but if you're still around, would you mind making it better by explaining step by step what was done there? Commented Jun 12, 2020 at 15:31
For grep: -r searches recursively, -Z prints out the output with the filename separated from the number of matching lines with the nul character. For awk: -F '\0' makes the field delimiter the nul character. s+=$NF is the sum of the values of the last field - NF is the number of fields $NF is therefore the last field, and then s is printed when awk runs out of input and the program ends.– cbzCommented Feb 28, 2022 at 23:14