I'm running this as root, obviously.
I've created a file called /swap/sw1
, by dumping 512 megs of /dev/zero
into it. I then ran mkswap
, which said:
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 524284 KiB
no label, UUID=f071fec6-0589-443f-9d46-1c126636418b
I'm assuming this means it worked fine. I've chmodded the file to 0600, and the file is owned by root. I then ran swapon:
$ swapon -v /swap/sw1
swapon on /swap/sw1
swapon: /swap/sw1: Operation not permitted
I've also tried adding this to fstab and calling swapon -a -v
, but go the same problem. Why am I not allowed to use this file as a swap file?
One note, which I think is irrelevant but I could be wrong - I'm running on an OpenVZ VM.