this is day one for me for bash. perhaps this question has already been asked, but i've tried google and have come up empty. maybe because i don't know how to articulate my question.
i have a custom/inhouse linux program that prompts the end user with a bunch of questions... and ultimately uses those questions to set up some servers. now i want to automate this so that a bash script will call the bin file and provide static answers. ideally i want to save the answers in a file, in the order that they are asked, and just feed it to the program.
Right now, I've been looking at sample scripts that read files. But I can't find an example that combines using file input and supplying answers to a program.
any pointers would be appreciated.
I've tried to do the following:
echo "This script is about to call mytestapp"
printf 'lab\nci1\n6cr\n197\n0\n252\n888\n4\n\nAmerica/Toronto\n
When I run this, the "mytestapp" program launchs, but it sits there at the first question, waiting for input like this:
dev1:~# sh /tmp/
This script is about to call mytestapp
Enter the 3-letter location code (e.g. usa):
And the printf statement in the script never kicks in.
i found my mistake. needed to pipe the params into the app:
printf 'lab\nci1\n6cr\n197\n0\n252\n888\n4\n\nAmerica/Toronto\n' | mytestapp