I've been following a tutorial to try and learn docker, however, for some reason I can't seem to access any of the ports it's meant to be opening. For some reason it just times out. Where can I look to get more details on why I'm not able to access this, or otherwise what can I do access the docker container.

Steps done so far:

$ docker run hello-world # works fine
$ docker run -d -P --name static-site prakhar1989/static-site # works and returns a docker container id
$ docker port static-site
443/tcp ->
80/tcp ->

Then I access one of the host through http://localhost:32768/ but nothing. After reinstalling it doesn't even time out anymore and just says the site can't be reached.

Also, I tried accessing the container directly on those ports but without any success.

2 Answers 2


For HTTP use port redirecting to port 80, i.e. access the site with http://localhost:32769.

HTTPS doesn't seem to be configured in this container.

  • Sorry, I did try both, neither work. The connection is just refused
    – Hosh Sadiq
    Commented May 29, 2016 at 6:08

I solved it with a reboot :/

I was having the same problem on a fresh Docker 1.12 install on Ubuntu 15.10. After going through https://prakhar.me/docker-curriculum/, and I wasn't able to connect to the sample containers. The http connection would just hang.

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