I'm frustrated that this was removed/altered in gnome-shell3. There are certain key bindings for resizing and moving windows like alt+right click etc, that I'd like back. I've tried to use the system settings but to no avail. Has anyone else worked with this and got it to work?

6 Answers 6


In more recent gnome versions (e.g., gnome-shell), you need to use this instead:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences resize-with-right-button true

Gnome defaults to using the Super ("Windows") key for window actions, so the above alone will enable moving (super-leftdrag) and resizing (super-rightdrag). To use the Alt key instead of the Super key do:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier '<Alt>'

(note that using the Alt key for window operations will interfere with some apps, like Inkscape, that use alt-click and alt-drag for app related actions)

  • 1
    You could also change this same setting with a GUI, via dconf-editor.
    – Victor
    Commented Jan 27, 2014 at 18:35
  • 1
    If you want to use alt+right click, you might also have to change mouse-button-modifier to <Alt>.
    – gogators
    Commented Jul 25, 2014 at 15:12
  • 2
    These gsettings options still work on Ubuntu 18.04. Commented Aug 17, 2018 at 23:10
  • 3
    This setting is now exposed in the GNOME Tweaks application under the "Windows" category. Commented Jan 17, 2019 at 23:52
  • 1
    These gsettings options still work on Ubuntu 20.04. Thank you!
    – PatS
    Commented Feb 1, 2021 at 1:51

If you install GNOME Tweaks, there's an option to "Resize with secondary click". Checking it will enable Super+RMB to resize windows.

  • 3
    This is the better "single user" preference. Thanks!
    – Rich
    Commented Feb 5, 2019 at 19:38

Additionally to using gsettings and instead of using the deprecated gconf-editor, you can install the newer dconf-editor and find and change relevant keys there. Searching "resize with" will find its key regardless of used WM.


You can use gconf-editor for this. Enable this setting:

  • Unfortunately that doesn't work in later versions of GNOME. The gconf settings are simply not used, it seems.
    – Victor
    Commented Jan 27, 2014 at 18:35

In Cinnamon (rather than Gnome3) the corresponding setting is:

gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences resize-with-right-button true

Or find the corresponding path in dconf-editor.

Also see mouse-button-modifier under the same path if you'd rather use the Super key instead of the Alt key for move/resize behaviour (useful for conflicts with other apps such as blender).

  • Your command worked flawlessly, thanks - but I didn't find anything like that path in gconf-editor. Where do those "org.cinnamon.."-like paths reside? (I am running on Linux Mint right now).
    – stolsvik
    Commented Jun 29, 2014 at 21:59
  • dconf, not gconf.
    – RobinJ
    Commented Jun 16, 2015 at 8:55

Just adding that for Deepin linux, the settings are wrapped in com.deepin.wrap.gnome, so I used

gsettings set com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier '<Super>'
gsettings set com.deepin.wrap.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences resize-with-right-button true

instead. Works flawlessly and what a timesaving feature (no more trying to grab the titlebar or tiny window borders)!

Note that since I do use Inkscape sometimes, I prefer the <Super> key. I had to set it explicitely in Deepin..

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