I'm having difficulty gettings fonts to display correctly in xterm
. The situation is complicated by this being a headless server which I'm connecting to from a Macbook Pro via xpra
, with no desktop environment installed on the server.
It does appear that ~/.Xresources
is being read. But if the contents are simply
XTerm*renderFont: true
XTerm*faceName: mono:normal:size=9
then the font used is italicized and seemingly bold.
What are the minimal contents I need in the Xresources
file to get a non-italicized, monospace font?
Some related questions:
- I always (or almost always) get this warning:
Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStruct
- In any given xterm, how do I list the font it's actually using? I've found solutions on the web for listing the default font that will be used (e.g.
), but not for the one actually being used in this particular instance.
fc-match mono:normal:size=9