I am porting makemkv to freebsd 10.2 and for this reason I wrote the following makefile:

# New ports collection makefile for:    makemkv
# Date created:             05 Mar 2012
# Date Updated:             10 April 2016
# Whom:                 kappei84
# $FreeBSD$

PORTNAME=   makemkv
CATEGORIES= multimedia
MASTER_SITES=   http://www.makemkv.com/download/

# Prefix for the pkp-plist

# Missing qt4/qt5 dependency check in case the port is built with --enable-gui
BUILD_DEPENDS=  ffmpeg${FFMPEG_SUFX}:${PORTSDIR}/multimedia/ffmpeg${FFMPEG_SUFX}

COMMENT=    Make MKV from Blu-ray and DVD


.include <bsd.port.options.mk>

CONFIGURE_ARGS+=    --enable-gui
CONFIGURE_ARGS+=    --disable-gui
.endif # GUI

# flags for the configure script
LIBS+=      -L${LOCALBASE}/lib

MAKEFILE=   Makefile
USES= gmake
QT_COMPONENTS=  qmake gui svg webkit xml moc uic rcc imageformats

.for i in libdriveio.so.0 libmakemkv.so.1 libmmbd.so.0
    ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/out/${i} ${PREFIX}/lib
    @ cd ${PREFIX}/lib ; \
    ${LN} -sf libdriveio.so.0 libdriveio.so ; \
    ${LN} -sf libmakemkv.so.1 libmakemkv.so ; \
    ${LN} -sf libmmbd.so.0 libmmbd.so

.include <bsd.port.mk>

this makefile references the Makefile of the original application and it compiles and creates all the source files necessary to generate the three libraries libdriveio.so.o, libmakemkv.so.1 and libmmbd.so.0 wich are copied into /usr/local/lib with the post install. Up until this step everything works perfectly as you can see from the log below:

gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/makemkv-oss-1.9.9'
===>  Staging for makemkv-1.9.9
===>   Generating temporary packing list
install  -s -m 555 /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/makemkv-oss-1.9.9/out/libdriveio.so.0 /usr/local/lib
install  -s -m 555 /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/makemkv-oss-1.9.9/out/libmakemkv.so.1 /usr/local/lib
install  -s -m 555 /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/makemkv-oss-1.9.9/out/libmmbd.so.0 /usr/local/lib

What I do not get is the final phase which gets executed after the do-install, which is the registration phase:

====> Compressing man pages (compress-man)
===>  Installing for makemkv-1.9.9
===>  Checking if makemkv already installed
===>   Registering installation for makemkv-1.9.9
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/stage/lib/libdriveio.so: No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/stage/lib/libdriveio.so.0: No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/stage/lib/libmakemkv.so: No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/stage/lib/libmakemkv.so.1: No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/stage/lib/libmmbd.so.0: No such file or directory
pkg-static: Unable to access file /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv/work/stage/lib/libmmbd.so: No such file or directory
*** Error code 74

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/multimedia/makemkv

as you can see some of the files (listed inside a file called pkg-plist) cannot be found under the expected path and the installation fails.

Is there any way to avoid or to change the default folder where the pkg-static is supposed to check? As it is the first port for me, is it necessary to perform this phase and have a pkg-plist or is it also possible to remove such a file as the main libraries have already been copied into the right path?

1 Answer 1


Your Makefile appears to be trying to install directly into ${PREFIX}. This is not how things are done these days.

You should be installing to ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}. This is a staging area under ${WRKDIR} which mirrors the destination directories. The underlying stuff called by make install will take the files from there, and that's how the registration works.

Full details here:


but feel free to comment with any questions.

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