The Settings menu usually contain many more items (Configure Shortcuts for one). What happened here?

I tried:

aptitude remove --purge konsole; aptitude install konsole
aptitude dist-upgrade

none of which helped.

The system is a newly installed Linux Mint Xfce 17.3.

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


If started from a shell I get:

konsole(4906) KXMLGUIClient::loadStandardsXmlFile: ui/ui_standards.rc not found in ("/home/tange/.kde/share/config/", "/etc/kde4/", "/usr/share/kde4/config/") 

So it is missing a file, which is installed using:

sudo aptitude install kdelibs5-data

In other words: This is a dependency problem. Probably only visible because I run konsole but not KDE.

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