We have a standard "basic server" install of CentOS 6.7 for our servers, and Ubuntu 14.04 for our desktops.
From my Ubuntu desktop, when I ssh into a remote server (ie: ssh into a CentOS instance), my terminal tab shows user@hostname:path
However, when I ssh into a remote desktop (ie: ssh into another Ubuntu instance), my terminal tab shows my_user@my_host:path
. That is, it shows the local user and local hostname and local path I was in prior to ssh'ing into the remove desktop.
I have overridden PS1
for both Ubuntu and CentOS hosts
I have a local setting for PROMPT_COMMAND
, but nothing on any remote CentOS or Ubuntu host.
[local-ubuntu] $ echo $PROMPT_COMMAND
[local-ubuntu] PROMPT_COMMAND=echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD}\007"
[remote-ubuntu] $ echo $PROMPT_COMMAND
[remote-centos] $ echo $PROMPT_COMMAND
I am running GNOME Terminal 3.6.2
[local-ubuntu] $ gnome-terminal --version
[local-ubuntu] GNOME Terminal 3.6.2
Even if I unset my local PROMPT_COMMAND
, and then ssh into CentOS, I get user@hostname:path
displayed in the tab, but nothing when ssh'ing into Ubuntu.
So my conclusion is that there is something which CentOS is doing to display that information in my tab which Ubuntu isn't doing.
What configuration exists in CentOS but doesn't in Ubuntu, that shows user@hostname:path
for remote terminal sessions?
and startedgnome-terminal
. As such, the tab titles now say"Terminal"
instead ofuser@hostname:path
. However, with the tab sayingTerminal
, when I ssh into CentOS, the tab title is updated, but not with Ubuntu