You can probably just use the yum
repo they include with the full DVD ISO. I downloaded the ISO to a RHEL6 server, mounted it on loopback and created the following in /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo
[root@vlp-xxx tmp]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo
name='Fedora base sur DVD - monter le dvd dans /repo/dvd'
Which then gave me all the Fedora 13 rpm's:
[root@vlp-xxx tmp]# yum list available --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=fedora | head
Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager
Available Packages
BackupPC.noarch 3.1.0-13.fc13 fedora
ConsoleKit.i686 0.4.1-5.fc13 fedora
ConsoleKit-libs.i686 0.4.1-5.fc13 fedora
ConsoleKit-x11.i686 0.4.1-5.fc13 fedora
DeviceKit-power.i686 1:0.9.0-1.fc13 fedora
GConf2.i686 2.28.1-1.fc13 fedora
GConf2-devel.i686 2.28.1-1.fc13 fedora
GConf2-gtk.i686 2.28.1-1.fc13 fedora
And your package seems to be in there:
[root@vlp-xxx tmp]# yum info rpm-build --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo=fedora
Loaded plugins: product-id, security, subscription-manager
Installed Packages
Available Packages
Name : rpm-build
Arch : i686
Version : 4.8.0
Release : 14.fc13
Size : 125 k
Repo : fedora
Summary : Scripts and executable programs used to build packages
License : GPLv2+
Description : The rpm-build package contains the scripts and executable programs
: that are used to build packages using the RPM Package Manager.