I am trying to order all columns by column name in a CSV file. What I have is something like this:

name  ,adress  ,mobile-number
Ane   ,USA     ,12121212
Joane ,England ,234234

and the output I need is

adress ,name  ,mobile-number
USA    ,Ane   ,12121212
England,Joane ,234234

The problem is that I have more than three columns, and I don't know the order they come in, but I need to reorder them in ascending order.

  • What do you mean you don't know what order they come in? What do you know? How can we know what column to sort on? Do we have to sort on whatever column the "name" header describes? Also, why do you have name, address in the input but address, name in the output? Is that intentional? Please edit your question and clarify.
    – terdon
    Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 17:02
  • 1
    I think OP wants to sort the columns by name. So columns beginning with A should come first. But it seems the example is wrong since name should come after mobile-number by that logic. OP can you please clarify/edit the question,
    – Munir
    Commented Feb 22, 2016 at 18:36

3 Answers 3


Using Miller (mlr) to clean up the excessive whitespace in each field (including in the header), and then to reorder the fields:

$ mlr --csv clean-whitespace then reorder -f adress,name,mobile-number file

(note that using reorder -f adress would move only the adress field to the start of the fields, which in this case would have the same effect.)

Or, if you want to order the fields in ascending order according to the way the headings sort:

$ mlr --csv clean-whitespace then sort-within-records file

What we can do is transpose the columns to rows using the rs utility originating from BSD Unix, then just sort the rows (thus, effectively, sorting the columns of the original data), and then transpose again.

Firstly, note by the way that, in alphabetical order, it's: address, mobile-number, name. M is before N!

Step by step:

$ cat data
name  ,adress  ,mobile-number
Ane   ,USA     ,12121212
Joane ,England ,234234

$ rs -s, -C, -T < data
name  ,Ane   ,Joane ,
adress  ,USA     ,England ,

$ rs -s, -C, -T < data | sort
adress  ,USA     ,England ,
name  ,Ane   ,Joane ,

$ rs -s, -C, -T < data | sort | rs -s, -C, -T
adress  ,mobile-number,name  ,
USA     ,12121212,Ane   ,
England ,234234,Joane ,

$ rs -s, -C, -T < data | sort | rs -s, -S' ' -T
adress         mobile-number  name  
USA            12121212       Ane   
England        234234         Joane 


$ rs -s, -C, -T < data | sort | rs -s, -S' ' -T | sed -e 's/ \([^ ]\)/,\1/g'
adress        ,mobile-number ,name  
USA           ,12121212      ,Ane   
England       ,234234        ,Joane 

I did this on Ubuntu GNU/Linux, and first had to sudo apt-get install rs.


Using Raku (formerly known as Perl_6)

~$ raku -MText::CSV -e 'my @dta = csv(in => $*IN, sep => ",", strict => True)>>.trim;   \
         my $index = @dta.[0].pairs.sort(*.value).map: *.key;           \
         @dta.=map( *.[$index.cache]); csv(in => @dta, out => $*OUT);'  file

Raku is a programming language in the Perl family that features high-level Unicode support. Above, the language is used at the command line in conjunction with Raku's Text::CSV module.

Sample Input:

name  ,adress  ,mobile-number
Ane   ,USA     ,12121212
Joane ,England ,234234

Sample Output:


Briefly, data is read-in using the csv(...) method/function, whitespace is removed around entries using trim, and stored in @dta array. An $index is generated from the [0] first row of @dta by converting entries to numbered pairs, sorting by value, then getting the sorted numeric keys. Then @dta is .= over-written with $index re-ordered columns. Finally, a csv file is output on $*OUT stdout.

Note: removing the call to >>.trim will return double-quoted column-values where entries contain trailing whitespace, in accordance with RFC 4180. Reverse the column sort order by adding .reverse to the indexing code, as in [$index.cache.reverse].

Sample Output without >>.trim and with .reverse:

"name  ",mobile-number,"adress  "
"Ane   ",12121212,"USA     "
"Joane ",234234,"England "


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