I'm building a one liner in bash.
If making a script or writing temp files were an option, I wouldn't need to ask.
I need to assign a variable in the middle of a set of pipes to use down the line.
cat list | awk '{print $1".modifications_to_name"' | (capture $NAME and pass $NAME down pipe) \
| checkStatus | grep pertinentinfo | cleanupFormatOfPertinentInfo | sendAlert $NAME
that is not part of$NAME
or how would you distinguish which parts should heNAME
and which are only to be handled bycheckStatus
? Perhaps some sample input and desired output would help clarify what you want;
to break up lines as though you ere writing a script. Thus it is still one line. something like:NAME=`cat list | awk '{print $1".modifications_to_name"}'`; echo $NAME | checkStatus | grep pertinentinfo | cleanupFormatOfPertinentInfo | sendAlert