What is the default mounting for an NTFS drive in Raspbian Jessie?

In Raspbian Wheezy, the default was read-only, and to get read/write, you had to upgrade to ntfs-3g and modify the fstab file. See my notes here. Raspbian Jessie includes ntfs-3g by default, and seems to mount the drive read/write automatically, but I am not sure. For example, I can create a blank file and delete a folder, but not create a new folder using the File Manager GUI program.

Alternatively, how can I determine on my system if a drive is mounted read-only or read-write?

Currently, I'm working with a Raspberry Pi B+. I tried looking up the Debian side of things and found what look like release notes, but I don't think the information I'm looking for is there:

1 Answer 1


Install ntfsprogs

apt-get install ntfsprogs

identify your usb

fdisk -l

For example usb = sdc1

To mount your usb read/write type the following command:

sudo mount -o remount,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw /dev/sdc1

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