If I understand correctly, you want to do the following for each .txt
- Locate the first line containing the pattern
- On this line, take the second whitespace-separated field and write it out to a file whose name is related to the input file.
You aren't saying how the output file name should be constructed. I'll make it the same as the input file, but ending in .out
instead of .txt
You can do this with a shell loop.
for x in *.txt; do
grep 'text' -- "$x" | awk '{print $2; exit}' >"${x%.*}.out"
Exiting awk as soon as it's done its job is slightly faster than telling it to keep reading but do nothing. Another possibility is to skip awk altogether and have the shell do the line splitting (whether this is faster or slower depends on so many factors that I won't hazard predictions):
for x in *.txt; do
grep 'text' -- "$x" | read -r first second rest && printf '%s\n' "$rest" >"${x%.*}.out"
A different approach would be to do all the work in awk. Awk can act on multiple files and you can use awk's redirection for the output. This requires forking fewer processes. It's pretty straightforward in Gawk (GNU awk):
awk '/text/ {print $2 >substr(FILENAME, 1, length(FILENAME)-4) ".out"; nextfile}' *.txt
In an awk implementation that doesn't have nextfile
, you need to manually handle transitions to the next file, which makes this approach less attractive (both more complex and less efficient).
awk '
FNR==1 {first=1}
first && /text/ {print $2 >substr(FILENAME, 1, length(FILENAME)-4) ".out"; first=0}' *.txt
in that folder..as it stands it should work for if you are interested in just.txt
files..If not, perhaps you should give a complete example..