I am following this script and trying to understand what happens at each line. In the following line extracted from here it involves sorting some fields. In the 14th example given here it says -k2,5
stand for sorting column 2 and 5 which are numeric values and -k9
stand for sorting of column 9 which is a non-numeric value column.
# Process the STMs
cat db/TEDLIUM_release1/$set/stm/*.stm | sort -k1,1 -k2,2 -k4,4n | \
sed -e 's:<F0_M>:<o,f0,male>:' \
-e 's:<F0_F>:<o,f0,female>:' \
-e 's:([0-9])::g' \
-e 's:<sil>::g' \
-e 's:([^ ]*)$::' | \
awk '{ $2 = "A"; print $0; }'
} | local/join_suffix.py db/TEDLIUM_release1/TEDLIUM.150K.dic > data/$set/stm
But in the code segment above (sort -k1,1 -k2,2 -k4,4n), it maps -k1,1
and it has 3 set of those as well. Can someone help me to understand this?