I have seen your zone file: it appears to be a list of more than 350k domains, at the moment, where it is defined the local BIND server as the master. The domains are with the following format:
zone "xxxx.com" { type master; notify no; file "null.zone.file"; };
As per memory requirements, I would say as a ballpark figure you might need around 40MB-80MB of free RAM for that as domain tables are loaded in memory. (albeit I would feel more comfortable with 200MB at least)
Unless the server is severely constrained in RAM, it seems a bit improbable, but it could happen.
I also have noticed there are underscores ("_") in the name of several domains. Having underscores in DNS RR breaks a couple of RFCs (RFC 952 and RFC 1123), and you need to add to the BIND options section the directive:
check-names master ignore;
As for the format and method being used for blacklisting domains. From version 9.8 onwards, BIND supports what is known as Response Policy Zones (RPZ), that were created specifically for blacklisting domains.
Several (commercial) blacklist providers follow nowadays that format. (I myself use RPZ both at work and at home).
Using RPZ should make more sense and also means a lighter load, and as such, if you are paying the service, I would advise you to contact your supplier to know how to use it. The RPZ format also supports to some extent wildcards, which would mean a much smaller blacklist file.
An alternative is also to process the file with a script to alter it to RPZ format.
I will leave here relevant links about RPZ and official RPZ providers:
and a tutorial how to configure RPZ:
As you may have noted, with the current configuration, you will also have a lot of open files; hence I recommend again using RPZ.
For dealing with more open files, in large email, DNS or HTTP servers, the limits have often to be raised.
The situation is not so bad as it used to be with older kernels, but nonetheless I do recommend raising the limits.
Edit /etc/sysctl.conf
and modify/add the directive fs.file-max
for the global limit of open files:
For applying the new file limit without rebooting, you need to run:
sudo sysctl -p
And for the files limits per process, edit, /etc/security/limits.conf
* - nofile 400000
To apply the file limits per process, either logout and login, or run:
sudo ulimit -n 400000
After raising these two limits, you need to restart BIND:
sudo service bind9 restart
To convert your file to RPZ format, you run:
cat bind | tr -d \" | awk ' { print $2" CNAME ." } ' > /etc/bind/rpz.db
The script will convert the entries to the following format:
zeus.developershed.com CNAME .
zeusclicks.com CNAME .
zintext.com CNAME .
Add in the options section of named:
response-policy { zone "rpz"; };
Create the declaration of the RPZ zone:
zone "rpz" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/rpz.db";
Add to the top of /etc/bind/rpz.db
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (
2 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
@ IN NS your_dns_fqdn.
Deconfigure that DNS file of yours and restart your BIND server. Evidently the RPZ file can be optimised with wildcards and made much shorter, however even without that optimisation now you won't need so much open files.
As for consulting BIND/DNS logs, they are together with the system logs in /var/log/syslog
with the tag named
. You can use the command:
sudo grep named /var/log/syslog
to check your config.named-checkzone
and notnamed-checkconf
. The latter only validates that your configuration files are valid; the former validates that a zone is valid (when used with a particular zone name). Also, you can pass options to the BIND daemon to increase its verbosity and run in the foreground; try doing that.sudo grep named /var/log/syslog
for seeing BIND logs