2015.10.25 Move on and Be Blessed.wav dummy.m4a
2015.11.17 BS Full.wav.mp3
2015.11.17 BS MOL.wav.mp3
find . -name '*.mp3' -o -name '*.wav' -o -name '*.m4a' -print0
but this command works
find . -name "*.wav" -o -name '*.mp3' -print0
I've been reading How to use find command to search for multiple extensions and How to convert all .wav files in subdirectories to .aac using neroAacEnc?
How come my regex version does not work?
find . -regex '*\.\(.mp3\|.wav\|.m4a\)' -print0
Could I pipe this regex command into the subsequent command outlined in the second referenced post, find . -name "*.wav" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 3 output.m4a "${file%wav}m4a"; done
replacing the find . -name "*.wav" -print0