I changed out a NIC card that was the exact same make and model. The setup process for Ubuntu 11.04 was very seemless and easy so I figured it would be smart enough to setup up the replacement card. However, it gave the replacement card a new name of eth1
where all my scripts make reference to eth0
, not to mention everywhere else in the OS eth0
may exist. Am I forced to track down every eth0
reference and change it to eth1
or is there a way to rename the replacement card back to eth0
2 Answers
Check udev config files.
A file like this: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
ties the NAME (ethX) to the Mac address.
You probably have the old cards MAC tied to eth0. Remove its line and change the new card to eth0.
1Thanks! I did see in another post about the 70-persisten-net.rules file, but was in reference to fedora. The file was just in a different location, but good know it is the same file. Commented Nov 18, 2011 at 20:00
To think I was using
and scratching my head! This solution is much more elegant. Commented Nov 18, 2011 at 21:59
You can set the name of network interfaces either through udev (on any modern Linux system) or through /etc/network/interfaces
on Debian, Ubuntu and other distributions using ifupdown. Not Now's answer covers udev; I'll discuss ifupdown.
In /etc/network/interfaces
, you can use the mapping
directive to give a nicknames to an interface based on the result of running a shell script. Typical uses for this feature are to give interfaces different names based on the network surroundings (e.g. eth0-home
and eth0-work
) or to set the name of an interface based on its characteristics such as the MAC address. There is an example script called get-mac-address.sh
that you can use to set the name of an interface based on its MAC.
auto eth0 eth1
mapping eth0 eth1
script /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/get-mac-address.sh
map 11:22:33:44:55:66 lan
map AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF internet
iface lan inet static
iface internet inet dhcp
Now your two network interfaces are called lan
and internet
. If you ever replace one of them, you only need to update the MAC address in that one place in /etc/network/interfaces